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contoh kalimat with each other

"with each other" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • You guys were conspiring with each other! ? But why!
    Kenapa kamu menipuku Si Xing Long!
  • Instead, I hear fighters at war with each other.
    sebaliknya, aku dengan para petarung bertarung sesamanya.
  • Henceforth, we have nothing to do with each other!
    sejak saat itu, kami tidak melakukan hubungan!
  • How do we stay in touch with each other?
    Bagaimana kita bisa berkomunikasi satu sama lain?
  • I think it's just fun to talk with each other.
    Saya pikir kita bisa hanya obrolan.
  • That's why I've always said, just get along with each other.
    Aku tidak bisa memukulnya baik.
  • Then those two probably started dealing with each other.
    Setelah itu mungkin mereka berdua saling sepakat.
  • And help us to live with each other.
    Membantu kita untuk hidup bersama satu sama lain.
  • Let's agree to be frank with each other.
    Mari kita sepakat untuk jujur satu sama lain.
  • Somehow they seem to be communicating with each other.
    Mereka bisa saling berkomunikasi entah bagaimana caranya.
  • So we're not that familiar with each other.
    Jadi kami tak begitu mengenal satu sama lain.
  • Because they're constantly having sex with each other.
    Karena mereka terus-menerus berhubungan seks satu sama lain.
  • I thought we were being honest with each other.
    Kukira kita saling jujur satu sama lain.
  • We're so bored with each other.
    Yang benar saja. Kami sudah muak dengan satu sama lain.
  • I think these lions are... communicating with each other.
    Kurasa singa-singa itu berkomunikasi satu sama lain.
  • We need to be completely honest with each other.
    kita harus benar-benar jujur satu sama lain.
  • Let's just be clear with each other from now on.
    Mari kita perjelas semuanya mulai sekarang.
  • Looks like we're stuck with each other, airhead.
    Sepertinya kita terjebak dengan satu sama lain, tolol.
  • We have nothing to do with each other any more.
    Kami sudah tak punya hubungan lagi.
  • They do not overlap with each other.
    Akan tetapi mereka tidak akur satu dengan yang lain.
  • lebih banyak contoh:   1  2  3